I started guitar practice a few days ago after taking a 29 year hiatus from the instrument. Mind you, I didn't play all that well 29 years ago, but I had taught myself some chords using a John Denver songbook with chord charts. In that way I learned enough to accompany myself at church singing fairly unsophisticated songs. Hopefully, I will learn some new skills this time around and someday I hope I will be able to compose some worship songs which will glorify God. He'll have to help.
So in this post I'm going to list what I've done in the last few days and afterwards I'll try to do one day at a time.
I'm using a free online guitar course at justinguitar.com and it looks like a good place to refresh my memory and learn some new things.
Hopefully, I will list some definitions in the side-column so I can remember some of these new terms.
July 4
*practiced finding all the C's on the fretboard
*watched beginner videos so I can figure out sequence of practicing (turns out this is the most difficult part of the course-hee,hee)
*1 minute changes DA DE AE
Stage-one practice schedule
*chord practice-strum/pick/strum 5 min.
*1 minute changes-DA DE AE 1 min. each
*songs/chord sequences 5 min.
*JUSTIN training-ear training 5 min.
July 5
Did chord practice, 1 minute changes, strummed along on easy song and did JUSTIN training.
July 6
Did chord practice, 1 minute changes, chord sequences and ear training.